In memory of Kazuki Takahashi 
In memory of
Kazuki Takahashi 

The true king of games.
Kazuki Takahashi, the creator behind the universe of the franchise Yu-Gi-Oh!, passed away on July 6th on the Okinawa Prefecture in Japan.
Born Kazuo Takahashi in Tokyo in 1961, Takahashi began his career as a manga artist in 1982, and he became a world-renowned artist in 1996 when he created the successful manga Yu-Gi-Oh!.
"I’ve always been obsessed with games. Certainly as a kid, and even today, I like blackjack and board games like Scotland Yard. In a game, the player becomes the hero. And that’s the basic premise for Yu-Gi-Oh. The main character, Yugi, is a weak and childish boy who becomes a hero when he plays games."
Takahashi without knowing it at the time, created a world that brought happiness to millions of people around the world through anime series, manga, and the trading card game, and will continue to do so for generations. His legacy will stay forever.

"... But here’s the main thing I want them to understand [about the story of Yu-Gi-Oh!]: if you combine the yu in Yugi and the jo in Jounouchi (the main character’s best friend), you get the word yujo. Yujo translates to friendship in English, but it’s actually more powerful than that. If American kids get a strong sense of friendship among the characters in the story, I’ll be happy. "